Think Global and Operate Local


Private Sector

Aerospace manufacturing and equipment supply chains.

Aerospace manufacturing and equipment supply chains.

Finance Raise - Successfully raised over $30 million in seed capital and subsequent capital raises for start-ups and small/medium size businesses engaged in manufacturing, finance, and healthcare operating in Eurasia, Europe, and U.S.. The compelling business cases for these businesses were founded on technological innovations and/or B2C supply chains. The capital raises were successful based on jointly prepared private placement memorandums, business plans, pitch decks, and roadshows.

Supply Chain Management - Successfully established a global B2C supply chain, including streamlining contract manufacturers and raw material procurement in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. for a medical device manufacturer and healthcare network provider.

Digital Marketing - Organized and implemented successful pilot B2C digital and traditional media marketing programs for sole practitioners, healthcare networks, and medical devices manufacturers. The B2C medical device pilot programs were later rolled out into international markets.

Pharmaceutical R&D - Established, and currently managing, a team of scientists manufacturing lab-scale quantities of a polyphosphazene based in vivo drug delivery platform designed to deliver low value NOAEL cancer therapy. Manufacturing scale-up and clinical trials expected to begin in the U.S. and Asia by the second half of 2021.

Regulatory Medical Device Compliance - Advised and prepared FDA 510k application and established FDA compliant quality control system for medical device manufacturers.

Business Development - Provide advisory services to a US MRO (Maintenance Repair & Operations) client regarding their supply chain and strategic partnership relationship with a major east European aerospace and energy turbine manufacturer.

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Economic Development

Education and health.

Education and health.

Private-Public-Partnership - Transitioned a nationally recognized microfinance NGO into a financially self-sustainable organization through fee based advisory services to regional credit cooperatives and secured grants from Citi Foundation, United Way, and commercial banks.

Microfinance & Commercial Bank Branch Network - Established and grew a financially sustainable micro-finance branch network in Central Asia that today consists of 23 regional branches and serves 30,000 clients. Established bank card issuance/acceptance in 13 Eurasian countries.

Central & Commercial Bank Training - Provided advisory and training services to Eurasian central and commercial banks. Topics included prudential bank supervision, payment systems, new bank product development and rollout, loan & risk management implementation, and AML/KYL policies.

Access to Finance - Prepared country survey of Central American bank products for small tourism businesses. Developed and rolled commercial bank products designed to support and grow private tourism businesses.

Grants Management - Country survey and analysis of Central American bank products designed to promote and support small tourism businesses.
